Dear Ruvs
My Dear Ruvs,
Since the start of the new year, I have been preoccupied with cleaning and de-cluttering. Thanks to TBC sisters’ initiative to hold two garage sale events. Today is another cleaning day. While sorting things in a drawer, I found this piece I wrote on March 27, 2016. I think it is something worth sharing. So, I stopped for a while and sat in front of my computer. Here it is:
The Great Makeover
Women have a penchant for good looks. We love clothes, bags, shoes and accessories that will enhance their looks. We put on make-up, color our hair, shape our brows, curl or straighten our hairs, whiten our teeth — all in the name of beauty.
As believers in Christ, we now develop a new concept of beauty. Instead of enhancing our physical looks, we prayerfully put on the fruits of the spirit. And so, we strive to beautify our face with joy and happiness; our lips with gentleness; our hair with submission; our hands and feet with diligence; our teeth with truthfulness; our overall appearance with the glow of the image of Christ.
Instead of giving so much time shopping for clothes, we spend time doing the work of the Lord. Instead of carrying fashionable accessories, we carry tracts and encouraging words to the lost. Instead of spending more time on the mirror, we prioritize time for prayer and meditation of the Word.
We strive to remove the warts of selfishness, impatience, anger and other unsightly blemishes that mar Christian character. We beautify the heart and cleanse the mind of the overgrowth of malice, envy, and wrong thoughts of people.
We go the parlor when needed. But we go to the throne of grace all the time because apart from His grace, who can do these things? Yet in Christ, it is possible for the Triune God is the Author of the Great Makeover.
We homemakers toil day and night at home with seemingly intangible output. But let us be encouraged to perform our roles well and good for the Lord who has given His life for us.
May the Lord bless the works of your hands today.
Love always,
Ate Haydee