Each Day Is Precious
0“So teach us to number our days, so that we may bring to Thee a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
We need to number our days because each day will pass and will never return. Every day, a drop falls from the bucket of life and we do now know how much more is left. Today could be the last drop… we just don’t know.
We number things because we want each item to be secured and counted. We value each single piece and don’t want to lose it. It is like a merchandise. When one item is lost or damaged the seller feels some regret because he knows he lost a portion of his profit.
If each day is of value, it means that we can do a lot in a day. Each day can bring forth fruits of great price. And since each day is of value, we must maximize it by spending it in the most profitable way. Worries and regrets, malice and evil thoughts cast a cloud of gloom and can spoil the promise of a beautiful day.
Thus it is necessary that we commit each day to God by beginning it with God. It will give us an assurance that God will direct our thoughts, our words and our actions. We can be sure that our day will be profitable. We just have to have to live each moment “in the presence of God” (Coram Deo).
When we are conscious of the passing of each day and are trying to make the best use of every moment to serve the Lord in our respective calling, then we are filling our hearts with wisdom from above.