From Everlasting to Everlasting
0Psalm 90:1- 2 “Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God.”
Lord, You have been our dwelling place. The God whom we return to again and again. As Gill and Barnes commented, You are like the home where a person will return to wherever he goes.
Isn’t it that we keep on going back to God? He is always in our thoughts. Whenever we have problems, we look up to God for mercy. When we have blessings, we thank Him for His grace. We know that He formed the earth, and all that is happening in this world (and in our home and in ourselves) are all dictated by God’s powerful hand, and directed by His steadfast love.
From everlasting to everlasting, You are God. As You have been faithful to Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Samuel, to Elijah, Elisha, Ruth, Samson, Nehemiah, Paul and Peter, James and John, Matthew and Luke, and all the countless saints in the OL and NT, You have been and will be in all generations. You are our God who does not change.
Should we doubt Your goodness? Your goodness remains forever! Your faithfulness stands as a solid rock. It is only our lack of faith that makes us droop in melancholic despair as we see the COVID pandemic waving its killing wand in our midst. We seem helpless as we cower in fear inside our homes. But the Sun remains. And so are the moon and the stars. Thunder and dark clouds can cover them, but they will keep on shining. Their glow and heat will never be extinguished or will ever be diminished by the graying of the clouds.
Let us look up to the Son, who remains kind and faithful and good. Let us look beyond the dark clouds. For in His perfect time, the clouds will disappear, and we can see the Sun as it shines in its fulness. Let not our faith waver, but our let our gaze firmly fixed on our unchangeable God.
Lord, give us the faith to look up to You with joy, peace, and contentment as we wage a silent war against the COVID pandemic that is ruining our land. Let our hearts be secured in You, who loves us. Help us to yield to Your sovereign counsel to shape like Your dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In His name we pray. Amen