Let the Next Generation Know the Lord
Psalm 145: 4 “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.”
This verse tells us that Christians have a compelling obligation to let the next generation know the Lord. We need to tell of His wondrous work and His mighty power to save.
We should saturate the young minds with biblical truths and a deeper knowledge of God so that they will do the same to the generations after them when they grow old.
What falls on our lap is a demanding responsibility requiring a deep conviction that we have to do it ourselves. First of all, to our household, then to those outside our homes given every opportunity.
We should act on this conviction daily. It is not a one-time deposit but a daily and hourly sowing of the Word of God in our children’s hearts and minds. Our goal is to make them know and love the Lord as early as possible. Thus, daily family devotion is a must. Teach our children to pray and teach them to have their own time with the Lord as their age permits. Teach them to love reading the Bible as they love to read many children’s books.
Most importantly, we should set a good example for the young. They should see the manifestation of the fruits of the spirit in our lives, which effectively communicates God’s truth.
Words of praises and thanksgiving should come from our lips instinctively. Our children should know that it is the Lord who is there to help us whenever we encounter problems in our lives.
Our little consistent efforts, if done prayerfully, will indeed be blessed by God. If our children learned to love the Lord as much as we do – and hopefully even more – that, my friend, will be our most significant accomplishments in our lives.
Dear Lord, we love you, and we want the generation after us to love You too. Help us to diligently tell them about Your steadfast love, your power, and your glory. May we be good ambassadors for Christ, even to our children. In Jesus Name. Amen