Pastor Rodel Visited Providence Bible Church in Tayabas

Pastor Rodel preached in Providence Bible Church (PBC) in Tayabas Quezon on January 29, 2017. His message was about redeeming the time.
PBC is a young church but their love for the Lord and His work is very evident among the members. Their loud singing was very inspiring.
They meet in the garage of the house of brother Jun and sister Mayette. They have about 20 regular attendees. After the morning worship service, they eat lunch together. While eating, they discuss the message they heard. This “ergohan” is often lead by brother Jun.
Pastor Rodel and Haydee enjoyed the warm hospitality of the brethren PBC. The prayer of the members is God’s provision of a bigger place for them to meet to accommodate the growing number of attendees.
Praise be the Lord for Providence Bible Church!