The Legacy of the Righteous
Psalm 112:1-2 “Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. Who greatly delights in His commandments. His offspring will be mighty in the land. The generation of the righteous will be blessed.”
God’s kindness overflows in every sphere of life of a believer. Those who fear God and delight in His commandments receive rewards in great measure. Not only will they experience peace, hope, and joy, they too will find the full meaning of their existence.
God always recompense His people. What we give to God, He gives back a hundredfold. God blesses those who love Him with kindness that overflows to the next generation. His grace abounds to the entire household. Thus the children of the man who fears the Lord will be mighty in the land. They will be blessed because they, too, imbibed the fear and love of God of their parents.
But being mighty in the land does not mean possession of earthly riches and power – though they might have them. But it is to be right with God that brings might. They who are in the Lord will never be moved.
One’s righteous life has an effect on the lives of the coming generation. Let us continually seek God’s grace so that we can live a life that reflects our Savior. Our lives is a living Scripture. They learn from the way we live rather than what they hear from us. Let us pray hard for our children; for them to seek Him and love Him, the way we love our Savior.
What an important responsibility to impact the next generation. Yet it is God’s promise that offspring of those who fear the Lord will be mighty and blessed.
Praise the Lord, indeed!
Our God and Father,
What wondrous kindness, that Your blessings to us overflow to our children and the next generations. Help us to live our lives to be pleasing to you. May our lives point the way to God. WE ask that make our lives shine for the glory of your name and for the sake of the next generation.
In Jesus Name. Amen